Russian-Turkish relations will be stronger than they were before crisis

Relations between Russia and Turkey not only returned to the previous level, but will get even stronger in some time after yesterday’s meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish experts Mehmet Perindzhek and Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu said.

Turkey will soon take drastic steps: Ankara is ready to move into a new camp, political scientist and historian Mehmet Perindzhek noted.

“Yesterday’s meeting was very important in this sense. There is emergency situation Turkey right now, and not only in legal terms. It is impossible to govern the country by usual methods. It is necessary to take emergency measures. Turkey must make radical decisions. It must create a strong and powerful army. In foreign policy, it must cooperate with Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Iraq, because these states receive the same threats from the United States,” he explained.

In addition, he believes that Turkey should abandon NATO and join the SCO. 

The historian stressed that after yesterday’s meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, relations between Russia and Turkey will not only return to the previous level, but will get even stronger. And it will happen quite soon.

At the same time, he believes that this change of foreign policy course will not damage the accession to the European Union that Turkey awaits for nearly 30 years. 

The political scientist Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu, in turn, noted that the rehabilitation of Russian-Turkish relations, in which both countries are interested, will be positive for Turkey, and the continuation of cooperation in energy sector will be the most important.

He also drew attention to the role that Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan played in this situation. “Both countries offered their help in the normalization of relations between Russia and Turkey, and they have repeatedly proved that they play an important role in mutually beneficial cooperation in the region. That is why Turkey is interested in creation of new alliances with these countries,” he stressed. 

However, the analyst believes that Turkey is unlikely to turn away from the West, with since they have historical ties.

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